Updated as of October 2019 and now located in the Recreation and Leisure section of our website https://www.inclusionoutreach.ca/recreation-and-leisure/
Category: Uncategorised
a free learn to type program
suitable for students in grade 2 and up
Samsung unveils apps for deaf-blind, visually impaired
Conversations on Diversity
A class teacher in one of our districts read this book as a read aloud this year in her class and facilitated great conversations about diversity!
Video demo of LAMP (AAC device)
Community Living British Columbia – Enhanced Approach to Planning
Presentation by Lynn Davies, Interim CEO of CLBC and Zainum Bahadshah, Manager, R & D, Strategic Planning, CLBC at the Inclusion Outreach District Partner Meeting on April 24th, 2019 in Richmond, BC
Cortical Visual Impairment and Vision Supports
Presentation by Adam P. Wilton, Ph.D., COMS, Manager, Provincial Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired (PRCVI) and Accessible Resource Centre-British Columbia (ARC-BC); and Kim Zebehazy, Ph.D, COMS, CLVT, Associate Professor, Special Education Blindness and Visual Impairment, UBC; at the Inclusion Outreach District Partner Meeting on April 24, 2019 in Richmond, BC
Maximizing the Potential of Learners with CVI – Inclusion Outreach
Competency Based IEPs and the New Curriculum for Students with Complex Needs
Presentation by Yolanda Duncan, District Learning Support Team Coordinator, Surrey SD#36; Sheri Montgomery, District Inclusion Mentor Teacher, Mission SD#75 ; and Michel Gagnon, Assistive Technologies Helping Teacher, Surrey SD#36, (in three parts) at Inclusion Outreach’s District Partner Meeting on April 24, 2019 in Richmond, BC
CB IEP Presentation part 1 Apr2019
CB IEP Presentation part 2 Apr2019
CB IEP Presentation case study Apr2019
iPad Presentation by Cheryl Warmenhoven, AAC & AT Assistant, SD#61
Cheryl’s powerpoint entitled “Out with the Old, In with the New…What do we Do? presented at the Inclusion Outreach District Partner Meeting of April 24th, 2019 in Richmond, BC