Recreational Respite, a business now operating in BC

Recreational Respite works with individuals who face barriers to participation in their community due to disability, injury, isolation, chronic illness or disorder. Our skills include being able to identify ways to remove the barriers that exist through various approaches in 1:1 or group settings. We strive for positive change and to reach desired outcomes through person centred recreation. We include the needs, abilities, strengths and interests of every individual we support and every approach we take through recreation. This ensures that targeted goals for mental health, emotional health and physical wellness and life skills are achieved.

We support children, youth, adults and older adults with disabilities, mental health and memory impairment, and their families.

Cortical Visual Impairment and Vision Supports

Presentation by Adam P. Wilton, Ph.D., COMS, Manager, Provincial Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired (PRCVI) and Accessible Resource Centre-British Columbia (ARC-BC); and Kim Zebehazy, Ph.D, COMS, CLVT, Associate Professor, Special Education Blindness and Visual Impairment, UBC; at the Inclusion Outreach District Partner Meeting on April 24, 2019 in Richmond, BC

Maximizing the Potential of Learners with CVI – Inclusion Outreach

Competency Based IEPs and the New Curriculum for Students with Complex Needs

Presentation by Yolanda Duncan, District Learning Support Team Coordinator, Surrey SD#36; Sheri Montgomery, District Inclusion Mentor Teacher, Mission SD#75 ; and Michel Gagnon, Assistive Technologies Helping Teacher, Surrey SD#36, (in three parts) at Inclusion Outreach’s District Partner Meeting on April 24, 2019 in Richmond, BC

CB IEP Presentation part 1 Apr2019

CB IEP Presentation part 2 Apr2019

CB IEP Presentation case study Apr2019



Universal classroom supports

IEP sample

Core-competencies adapted

CB IEP Cheat Sheet

CB IEP Big Sheet

Suggested Apps for Children with CVI

Suggested Apps for Children with CVI

iPad AppsAndroid Apps
Hatch! Plus Five Little Monkeys
Hot LightsItsy Bitsy Spider
Baby First LookKids Doodle
iBaby ButtonsKids Paint Magic
iBaby SeeKids Xylophone
iGlow StickKnee Bouncers Big Little Games
iLoveFireworks LiteLittle Piano
Little Bear SeesMazeball
Music SparklesMovie Kids Drawing
Peekaboo: Ladybird Baby Touch My Baby Drum
Piano PalsMy First Race for Babies
Sparkabilities Babies 1 HD Neon Draw & Picasso
Spawn Glow HDPeek-a-Boo Barn
Tap Tap BabyPop Goes the Bubble
Tap-n-See Zoo Sound Touch
Virtuoso PianoWheels on the Bus
Baby Rattle Toy
Baby Playface
Cosmic Top
Baby Vision
Bottle Rocket
Alpha Blast
Baby Piano
Beautiful Bubbles
Art of Glow
Baby Soother
Big Box Visual Effects Pro 6200
BrightStart Baby
Baby Screen - Planet Sloth
Baby Silencer
Doodle Buddy for iPad
ShapeShifter HD
Baby Screen