Special Books by Special Kids


Interviews with disabled and neurodiverse people. SBSK started when I was a teacher for students with disabilities/neurodiversities. My students and I set out to publish a book in which they shared what life is like from their perspective. We hoped that this would help educate others on what it is like to live with a disability. No publishers were interested so we then started creating videos. Soon, people around the world started emailing me asking if I could interview them also. Although the medium has changed, the idea remains the same. Founded in 2016, SBSK is a 501(c)3 organization that seeks to normalize the diversity of the human condition under the pillars of honesty, respect, mindfulness, positivity and collaboration. This multi-media movement supports the acceptance and inclusion of all members of the neurodiverse/disability community regardless of diagnosis, age, race, religion, income, sexual orientation, gender or gender expression.

Tactile Working Memory Scale: A Professional Manual

The Tactile Working Memory Scale (TWMS) is designed to give professionals tools to identify and assess tactile working memory in persons with deafblindness.  Published in 2019 by the Nordic Welfare Center, authors Jude T. Nicholas, Annika M. Johannessen, Trees van Nunen aim to “give an overview of the theoretical foundations of working memory and link it to the assessment and intervention of tactile working memory. In this manual there are a series of examples to demonstrate and clarify the description of each items of the TWMS. The manual also covers several learning strategies, classified according to their particular emphases. The major emphases are on the perceptual, cognitive and social cognitive strategies.”

New How-To Video: Tar Heel Reader for Inclusion

Tar Heel Reader https://tarheelreader.org/

The Inclusion Outreach team has created a How-To Video regarding Tar Heel Reader.

Tar Heel Reader has a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, the IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches.

More information regarding accessible books can be found on our website under Active Participation

Using Pictello for Inclusion – A How To Video

Step-by-step instructions from the Inclusion Outreach team on how to use the Pictello app.

Create and share visual social stories and schedules with this app for iOS. Adding your own pictures, videos and recordings to stories you create makes it easier to share information while building literacy skills, as well as confidence in storytelling.


More information regarding accessible books can be found on our website under Active Participation

District Partner Forum October 1, 2020

Thank you to all those who attended and a recording of our District Partner Forum held via Zoom on October 1st, 2020 is now available for viewing on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PemGIgDDJbk

along with the matrices and documents referred to therein:

Inclusion Planning Matrix

Elementary Home Learning Inclusion Planning Matrix

Elementary in school Inclusion Planning Matrix

Middle School Home Learning Inclusion Planning Matrix

Middle School in school Inclusion Planning Matrix

High School Matrix Home

High School Matrix School

Social Inclusion Solutions

Inclusive Practice Solutions

Technology Solutions

AAC Awareness Month – 50% Discount

AssistiveWare is celebrating AAC Awareness Month with 50% off selected apps and training videos from October 12-16.  More information on their blog post at:


TouchChat by Saltillo is also being offered at 50% off from October 14-18.  More information on their blog post at:


MyBooklet BC Training Sessions via Zoom

Family Support Institute of BC is inviting you to join us for the myBooklet BC zoom session presented by Lydia Kang – the creator of myBooklet BC.  Lydia will introduce and showcase the exciting myBooklet BC updates and upgrades coming soon.
If you want to learn how to create a personalized “All About Me” booklet for/with individuals with diverse abilities and their families, this session is for you!
Details of the zoom sessions: If you have any questions, please contact Lydia Kang via email lkang@fsibc.com or call 604-862-6807.
  1. Option 1: 
  2. Option 2: 
What is MyBooklet BC?

MyBooklet BC is a FREE online tool that individuals and families can use to create a beautiful and personalized information booklet (all about me booklet) to store and share their strengths, gifts, goals and much, much more.

MyBooklet BC is one of the PERSONAL SUMMARY options individuals with diverse abilities and their families can use to request services funded by CLBC during their transition process.

Some topics of the zoom section are (but not limited to):

  • MyBooklet BC updates – Overview of new myBooklet BC functions and features
  • Step-by-step guide and useful tips on how to create your own MyBooklet using the new features
  • Sharing lived experience behind the creation and application of MyBooklet BC
  • Suggestions on how MyBooklet BC can be used to support individuals with their transition planning

Recommended Cleaning Protocols of Personal Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) in an EDUCATIONAL SETTING during COVID-19 Pandemic

Information provided by Auditory Outreach, a Provincial Outreach ProgramAO COVID-19 Cleaning Guidelines (1)

The procedures below are recommended for EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS only. Please note different protocols apply in health care settings. These guidelines were developed based on the recommended protocols from BC Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry (as of May 23, 2020), BC Centre for Disease Control on infection control, and assistive listening device (ALD) manufacturer Phonak’s recommendations on equipment sanitization. These recommendations do not override any provincial protocols, guidelines from a professional regulatory body, or employer.

Free broadcast of the family opera The Flight of the Hummingbird May 19, 2020, at 10 am

After a successful preview at Vancouver Opera Festival last year, the Pacific Opera Victoria and Vancouver Opera co-production of The Flight of the Hummingbird took flight in January 2020 to schools across our province. The tour and sold-out performances at Pacific Opera Victoria’s Baumann Centre were stalled due to COVID 19.

In the spirit of staying physically distanced and socially connected and of sharing the music and knowledge of our amazing artists and community, a free online broadcast of the opera will be available on the website below for families and educators, Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at 10 am PDT. The video will remain available on demand until late summer.

The Flight of the Hummingbird is accompanied by a Study Guide aligned with the First People’s Principles of Learning and the BC curriculum.


Recreational Respite, National is running virtual group programs for FREE from April 20-30, 2020

At the moment, Recreational Respite, National is running virtual group programs for FREE from April 20-30, 2020 for children, youth, teens and young adults with disabilities and/or mental health. They can choose 3 of 14 unique programs to explore. Each program includes goals and experiential outcomes. We have been running quite a few up until now, with great success and they are super FUN!

Free virtual groups flyer – April 20- 30 2020 

Please have a look at the program calendar and more about the virtual services: https://recrespite.com/virtual-services/

New: Tar Heel Shared Reader

Zoë Watt, Inclusion Outreach SLP, found a new resource by the folks at Tar Heel Reader.  They have created a synthesized speech core vocabulary to run along the bottom of the pages of the books so reading can be a shared, have a more active role for the student and support making meaning in literacy.  They have ProD modules attached to this development which look great and it is all research-based.


CANCELLED – Annual District Partner Meeting April 29, 2020

In response to public health directives to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus we are postponing our District Partner meeting scheduled for April 29th.  We will reschedule when it is prudent to do so.
All paid guests will see a full refund credited to the card used to purchase within the next 7 business days.
The students we support are among the most vulnerable to the risks this pandemic poses.  We wish you and those close to you the best and look forward to being in touch again soon.